How to use ‘Circular Polarizing filter – CPL’ in DSLR photography…?

Circular Polarizing filter is the first filter you need to buy after UV filter. It is a magical filter that does wonders in photography.

  1. Polarizing filter will remove/reduce the unwanted reflections created by indirect diffused light from non-metallic surfaces. It cannot remove/reduce the specular reflections created by the direct light sources.
    Without Polarizing-filterWith Polarizing-filter
  2. CPL filter is a dark grey special optical filter fitted on to a rotatable ring mounted in front of the lens.
  3. CPL lets in the polarized light without reflections to enter in to the camera. The effect of polarization can be seen apparently in the viewfinder as you rotate the CPL filter. The overall subject gains better colour saturation and clarity gradually and becomes best at one point of rotation

    Without Polarizing filterWith Polarizing filter
  4. CPL filter can saturate the green foliage and blue sky while shooting nature and landscapes.
  5. The amount of colour saturation and clarity obtained depends on the light direction and time of the day.Without Polarizing -  filterWith Polarizing -  filter
  6. CPL filter polarizing effect will be ultimate in ‘sidelight’ conditions and will be the least in ‘against the light’ conditions.
  7. It will be better during the golden hours of photography (up to two hours from the Sunrise and two hours till Sunset).
  8. CPL filter comfortably removes the reflections on the glass, tiles, shiny floors, shiny furniture, wet surfaces, water and almost anything that reflects. Useful for shooting exteriors & interiors, glass enclosures, high reflective products like automobiles etc.Without CPL filterWith CPL filter
  9. Being dark grey, the CPL filter will absorb at least two to three stops light. This will result in using slow shutter speeds or higher ISOs or open apertures or all the three.
  10. CPL filter can also be used like a ND (Neutral Density) filter for achieving shallow depth of field/ blurring effects.
  11. CPL filters can also be used in the indoors with artificial lights and studio flashes.
  12. Only a very ‘good quality CPL filter’ can protect the optical quality of your expensive lens – never settle for anything less.
    flowers shot with CPL filter


To capture motion and to establish a sense of movement in a still picture requires some basic Photographic skills. Panning is one technique by which we create a feeling of motion in a still picture. We us this technique on almost every moving subject. Here is a gallery of interesting panning shots from the Edexcel BTEC HNC and HND Diploma in Photography programme learners. How to shoot a perfect Panning shot?– tips by Mr.KL. Raja Ponsing – founder and director of Ambitions 4 Photography Academy will help you understand the technique better.